



Our animatronic workshop and puppets show about disabilitiy and automation starts with building model motorized wheelchairs mirroring the cardboard of the puppets and control boards for various types of mobility. Presented with the Chicago Cultural Center and other partners, the show has engaged hundreds of learners.

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Workshops for Youth

CodeCreate coaches students in basic circuitry, media and performing arts, robotics and computer programming, illustration and 3D design.

Workshops for Educators

CodeCreate's professional development workshops facilitate hands on experiences to be used in the classroom or learning environment as well as previewing and discussing free and low-cost tools and methods and their role in common curriculum.

Cultural Exchanges

Leveraging the importance of immersion in learning environments, CodeCreate's cross-cultural learning programs bring the ideas behind our work to new audiences ranging from the rural south and midwest to other parts of the world.

Exhibitions & Commissions

Leading contemporary artists and designers founding CodeCreate apply the methods and perspectives of our workshops with professional care to engage an audience in meaningful considerations of intersections of art, technology and other forms of diversity.