
Workshops for Educators

CodeCreate’s professional development workshops facilitate hands on experiences to be used in the classroom or learning environment as well as previewing and discussing free and low-cost tools and methods and their role in common curriculum.



At the opening of the Brittania Woods Makerspace in Ottawa, Canada, we spoke to hundreds of families and stakeholders about our inherent abilities with technology in a talk entitled “Kids Can Code.”

“You did an amazing job of not only preparing our staff, but getting them excited about the event.” –Roxana Hadad, Director of Math, Science, and Technology, Center for College Access and Success (formerly Chicago Teachers’ Center) at Northeastern Illinois University


CodeCreate guided teachers at Gray Elementary School in the making of Power Puppets and saw the creation of a beating heart, a shark, a swimmer, a fighter and a smiley face.

“Thanks again for presenting such a thought-provoking, relevant and engaging workshop! It was a such a great experience for instructors to have prior to starting program. Judging by the workshop evaluations, instructors also seemed to see value in this workshop series.” – Trinanien Almo, Director of Program Instruction, After School Matters


CodeCreate built Power Puppets with other educators in the Clubhouse Network solidifying that both narratives and 3D construction techniques, like those we see in 3D printers, could be differentiated with simple uses of cardboard and solenoids.

“It’s not about technology- it’s about the people that make that happen. I think that’s what I love about what CodeCreate is doing.” – Carolina Kaufman, Former Professor, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and CodeCreate Board Member


At the School of the Art Institute, we integrated the character design of soon-to-be art teachers into original video production.

screen at HASTAC

Educators, designers and artists at the 20th Anniversary gathering of HASTAC  (the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) review work with Traverse and Power Puppets.